Lowongan Terbar
Saturday, August 29, 2015


5:49:00 AM
Hasil gambar untuk Pt NOK 
NOK is Japan’s first oil seal manufacturer. Our functional parts, such as oil seals and o-rings of advanced technology in processed synthetic rubbers, are used not only in the automotive industry, but also in a wide variety of other industries. We have developed into the number-one reliable company in this field while leveraging the technology and know-how acquired since the star-up of operations.
NOK has created the products full of dreams. While NOK products vary from miniature to man-sized, they are all cared equally with the closest attention.
Starting from the field of oil seals, NOK has been changing its corporate image to the extend of having cutting-edge technology and development relating to aerospace engineering.
NOK’s products and technology are not outwardly visible. However, NOK is always with you. We are committed to providing the innovative products to perfectly meet our customers’ needs, while contributing to the global community. NOK’s dreams are infinite and ever lasting.
1. IT Web Programmer (IT-WP)
  • Bachelor Degree in Informatics Technology from reputable university
  • min 1 yaers experience with ASP.Net
  • Good knowledge and have experience with telerik / Ext.net MVC
  • Knowledge with version control and able to do documentation.
Jl. Gaharu lot 101-102 BIP
Muka kuning-Batam, 29433
email : bona@nok.com.sg

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