Lowongan Terbar
Saturday, September 5, 2015

Lowongan PT. Schneider Electric Manufacturing Batam Terbaru September 2015

2:46:00 AM


PT. Schneider Electric Manufacturing Batam
Have you ever dreamed of improving your bottom line while consuming less energy and without a power outage? We can help you solve this problem with solutions to make energy safe, reliable, efficient and productive from plant to plug.
We know that energy demand will skyrocket whilst we will have to drastically cut green house gas emissions. We also know that more than 40% of GHG emissions, are caused by industry buildings and residential markets. We provide energy efficiency solutions can bring up to 30% of energy savings, now. 
We are an equal-opportunity employer. Join us if you enjoy a dynamic and vibrant working environment.
Job opportunities:

 Apply Applications

PT. Schneider Electric Manufacturing Batam
Batamindo Industrial Park Muka Kuning Block 04, Jl. Beringin, Mukakuning, Batam, Riau 29433
Business Line: Electronic and electic component
Telp: (0778) 611133 Fax: (0778) 611134

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